What is a Success Navigator?
A Success Navigator is a professional staff employed at Buffalo State University who has at least earned a Bachelor’s degree. Success Navigators are assigned to a new set of incoming first year students annually. Their main responsibility is to act as a wholistic support guide for their assigned students.
What can a Success Navigator help with?
- Organization and Time Management
- Pre-Registration Support
- Registration Tutorial (navigating registration on Banner)
- Resource Connection (on or off campus)
- Goal Planning and Custom Success Planning
- Social Support Connection
- Financial Aid/Hold Resolution Guidance
- Conduct Hearing Preparation/Guidance
- Post Conduct Hearing Support
- Academic Dismissal Hearing Preparation
- Recovery Success Planning (if your academic dismissal was rescinded)

Farhad Mustafa
Success Navigator Caudell 322Email: mustaff@buffalostate.edu
Farhad Mustafa's profile

Christian Ozolins
Success Navigator Houston Gym 244Phone: 7168783679
Email: ozolincp@buffalostate.edu
Christian Ozolins's profile

Shawnte Wilson
Director of Student Success & Retention Bengal 118Email: wilsonsa@buffalostate.edu
Shawnte Wilson's profile